Disease awareness

Disease awareness

Figure 7. Awareness of COPD: needs and targets

Patients with COPD

Treatments and self-management

At-risk population

Symptoms and risk factors

National Health Authorities

Evidence-based management guidelines

Healthcare providers (in particular primary care physicians)

Early diagnosis

Policy makers

Social and economic burden of COPD

Society as a whole

What is COPD

Table 2. Examples of disease awareness actions organised by EFA members

November is the Lung Month. Around the country, the Swedish Heart and Lung Association focuses on lung disease, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. Local associations arrange lectures, meetings and other activities throughout Lung Month.

Icelandic Lung Association Reykjavik Marathon

Partnership with the Reykjavik Marathon.

Online tool that allows to see whether you are at-risk of COPD.

In collaboration with the Coalition of Irish Lung Health Charities. A five point advocacy campaign launched during the 2023 World Lung Days.

The “Healthy Future March: Breathe, Be Breathe” project, aims to draw attention to the importance of early diagnosis in COPD. With this project, the real steps that people take in their daily lives will come together in the digital environment and turn into a virtual tour of Turkey. For every 1,000 steps taken by project supporters, 10 TL will be donated to the COPD Patients Association.

“Yo Lucho Contra La EPOC”: Collective awareness campaign for World COPD Day (2021).

FENAER asks for the collaboration of patients with COPD, family members and caregivers to create a large mosaic of faces that will be the image of the commemoration of World COPD Day.

The mosaic composed an image that reflects themotto of the campaign: “I fight against COPD.”

With this campaign, the Federation wants to involve patients, family members, caregivers, friends and health professionals in this campaign, the people who know most closely and most intensely the difficulties that a patient with COPD faces day after day.

Respira – World No Tobacco Day

Awareness digital campaign about the importance of quitting smoking, with the theme “Breathe MORE CLEAN AIR, breathe in LESS TOBACCO.” The initiative is part of World No Tobacco Day, which is celebrated on May 31st and is made up of contents and testimonials campaign for the social networks of Respira and the Portuguese Lung Foundation and a webinar with the theme “MORE LIFE LESS TOBACCO: Quit smoking, we can help!”

Respira – Living with COPD

This initiative is intended to raise awareness of the impact of COPD on people’s lives, stressing the importance of prevention and early diagnosis. The Amoreiras Shopping Centre hosted an exhibition to raise awareness of the social weight of the disease and a spirometry screening action.

This Tour de France COPD 2023 is an initiative intended to raise awareness of COPD among the general public and to encourage COPD patients of the benefits of exercise, to encourage them not to isolate by participating in a national event and to join a patient association.

This event brings together several hundred respiratory patients from all the cities and countryside of France. During the week, everyone will walk or cycle at home, at their physiotherapist, in their rehabilitation centre or with their local association. All types of bicycles are allowed.

SPEAK UP FOR COPD is a digital campaign intended to raise awareness and understanding of COPD amongst policymakers and healthcare decision makers by amplifying the voices of patients, the COPD community and the public. The goal is to make COPD a public health priority.

The Austrian Lung Union launched the 10 days awareness and education campaign “How fit are your lungs?” taking place throughout Austria. The campaign focuses the importance of lung function measurement (spirometry) is for early diagnosis of respiratory diseases. Free spirometry is available on site.

[Contrary to the experience of patients with lung cancer] Patients with COPD described encounters with gatekeeping generalist health care professionals who did not recognise or understand their disease. [1]

Improving Care and Awareness in Austria (German)

Learn about the COPD Patient Charter from the Austrian Lung Union to enhance understanding and care for COPD patients. It focuses on early diagnosis, personalised treatment plans, and reducing stigma.

© Copyright by Österreichische Lungenunion, 2024

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COPD Prevention

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